Travel Multiple Choice Question Set 2
Categories: Travel
1. Which of the following is not a major component of tourism. A. Transport B. Accommodation C. Tour operators D. Shops Answer D 2. Which of the following is a secondary component of tourism. A. Hawkers B. Catering C. Transport D. Tour operators Answer A 3. Varanasi is located in which state A. Goa B. Orissa C. U.P D. A.P Answer C 4. Qutub minar is located in _______ A. Delhi B. Mumbai C. Calcutta D. Chennai Answer A 5. Jog falls is located in _________ A. Karnataka B. Kerala C. Tamilnadu D. Orissa Answer A 6. Mangueshi Temple is located in _______ A. Goa B. Kerala C. Orissa D. U.P Answer A 7. Golden Temple is located in ______ A. Amirtsar B. Hyderabad C. Ahammedabad D. Chennai Answer A 8. dal Lake is locared in ______ A. Kerala B. Himachal Pradesh C. Assam D. Jammu Kashmir Answer D 9. Charminar is located in __________ A. Delhi B. Goa C. Hyderabad D. Orissa Answer C 10. Profit=Total income - A. Total cost B. Total fixed cost C. Total profit D. None of these. Answer A 11. Which is the worlds top tourism destination according to international tourism receipts A. U.S B. Spain C. France D. China Answer A 12. Which is the worlds top tourism destination according to international tourist arrivals. A. Spain B. UK C. Mexico D. France Answer D 13. vienna is located in ________ A. Austria B. France C. Germany D. Ilaly Answer A 14. WTTC is established in _______ A. 1970 B. 1980 C. 1990 D. 1960 Answer C 15. PATA was founded in ________ A. 1951 B. 1952 C. 1953 D. 1954 Answer A 16. The OECD was founded in _____ A. 1960 B. 1961 C. 1971 D. 1959 Answer B 17. IOTO was established in the year A. 1995 B. 1990 C. 1950 D. 1997 Answer A 18. IOTO is head quarted at_____ A. Paris B. Vienna C. Perth D. London Answer C 19. FHRAI was formed in ______ A. 1955 B. 1996 C. 1997 D. 1954 Answer A 20. IATO was founded in _______ A. 1982 B. 1981 C. 1983 D. 1980 Answer A