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Travel Multiple Choice Question

Categories: Travel

1. Net travel propensity measures--------

A. Total number of trips

B. Total number of transist

C. Total number of persons who take at least one trip

D. None of these.

Answer C

2. Which travel propensity measures total number of trips

A. Gross travel propensity

B. Travel measurement

C. Net travel propensity

D. None of these

Answer A

3. The value statistics measures

A. Tourist expenditure

B. Twists days

C. Accommodation

D. None of these.

Answer A

4. Which statistics measures tourism trips

A. Value statistics

B. Volume statistics

C. Expenditure statistics

D. None of these

Answer B

5. Which demand refer o the demand for goods that are needed for final consumption

A. Direct demand

B. Derived Demand

C. Indirect Demand

D. None of these.

Answer A

6. Which demand is not derived or induced

A. Indirect demand

B. Perishable demand

C. Direct demand

D. Autonomous demand

Answer D

7. When the demand for a product is tied to the purchase of scene parent product, it is known as

A. Induced demand

B. Autonomous demand

C. Actual demand

D. Direct demand

Answer A

8. Induced demand is also known as

A. Derived demand

B. Autonumars demand

C. Direct demand

D. None of these.

Answer A

9. Which is the critical determinant of tourism demand

A. Race of gender

B. Mobility

C. Income

D. Education

Answer A

10. A category of population who do not take part in travel is known as

A. Potential demand

B. Suppressed demand

C. Deferred demand

D. No demand

Answer D

11.Suppressed demand includes potential demand and ________ demand

A. Deferred demand

B. Direct demand

C. Suppressed demand

D. None of these.

Answer A

12. Which demand comprises of category of people who do not travel for samereason

A. Suppressed demand

B. No demand

C. Effective demand

D. Actual demand

Answer A

13. A country is mainly benefited from tourism by the _______

A. Tourist expenditure

B. Tourist travel

C. Accommodation

D. None of these.

Answer A

14. Which is the most important economic benefit of tourism

A. Increase in employment

B. Increase in production

C. Foreign exchange

D. None of these.

Answer C

15. Tourism demand measurement is referred as _______

A. Tourism statistics

B. Tpurism marketing

C. Tourism segmentation

D. None of these.

Answer A

16. Which statistics simply measures the number of people who arrive at a destination.

A. Volume

B. Value

C. Expenditure

D. None of these.

Answer A

17. Which is not considered in value statistics

A. Payments to international airlines

B. Payments to domestic airlines

C. Payments to Accommodation

D. None of these.

Answer A

18. Which statistics measures the characteristics of visitor and of the visit.

A. Value statistics

B. Voulme statistics

C. Expenditure statistics

D. Visitor Profile statistics

Answer D

19. a visitor who stays in the country visited for at least one night is known as ________

A. Visitor

B. Resident

C. Tourist

D. None of these.

Answer C

20. The demand for a given brand of product or service is known as__________

A. Selective demand

B. Primary demand

C. Usual demand

D. None of these.

Answer A

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