Which of the following statements are correct about the following code snippet? int a = 10; int b = 20; bool c; c = !(a > b); 1. There is no error in the code snippet. 2. An error will be reported since ! can work only with an int. 3. A value 1 will be assigned to c. 4. A value True will be assigned to c. 5. A value False will be assigned to c.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following statements are correct? 1. The conditional operator (?:) returns one of two values depending on the value of a Boolean expression. 2. The as operator in C#.NET is used to perform conversions between compatible reference types. 3. The &* operator is also used to declare pointer types and to dereference pointers. 4. The -> operator combines pointer dereferencing and member access. 5. In addition to being used to specify the order of operations in an expression, brackets [ ] are used to specify casts or type conversions.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Suppose n is a variable of the type Byte and we wish, to check whether its fourth bit (from right) is ON or OFF. Which of the following statements will do this correctly?
1.if ((n&16) == 16) Console.WriteLine("Fourth bit is ON");
2.if ((n&8) == 8) Console.WriteLine("Fourth bit is ON");
3.if ((n ! 8) == 8) Console.WriteLine("Fourth bit is ON");
4.if ((n ^ 8) == 8) Console.WriteLine("Fourth bit is ON");
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following statements is correct about Bitwise | operator used in C#.NET?
1.The | operator can be used to put OFF a bit.
2.The | operator can be used to Invert a bit.
3.The | operator can be used to check whether a bit is ON.
4. The | operator can be used to put ON a bit.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Suppose n is a variable of the type Byte and we wish to put OFF its fourth bit (from right) without disturbing any other bits. Which of the following statements will do this correctly?
1.n = n && HF7
2.n = n & 16
3.n = n & 0xF7
4. n = n & HexF7
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? byte b1 = 0xAB; byte b2 = 0x99; byte temp; temp = (byte)~b2; Console.Write(temp + " "); temp = (byte)(b1 << b2); Console.Write (temp + " "); temp = (byte) (b2 >> 2); Console.WriteLine(temp);
1.102 1 38
2. 108 0 32
3.102 0 38
4.1 0 1
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? byte b1 = 0xF7; byte b2 = 0xAB; byte temp; temp = (byte)(b1 & b2); Console.Write (temp + " "); temp = (byte)(b1^b2); Console.WriteLine(temp);
1.163 92
2.92 163
3.192 63
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? int a = 10, b = 20, c = 30; int res = a < b ? a < c ? c : a : b; Console.WriteLine(res);
4.Compile Error / Syntax Error
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? int i, j = 1, k; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { k = j++ + ++j; Console.Write(k + " "); }
1.8 4 16 12 20
2. 4 8 12 16 20
3.4 8 16 32 64
4.2 4 6 8 10
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below? int num = 1, z = 5; if (!(num <= 0)) Console.WriteLine( ++num + z++ + " " + ++z ); else Console.WriteLine( --num + z-- + " " + --z );
1.5 6
2.6 5
3.6 6
4.7 7
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following are Logical operators in C#.NET? 1. && 2. || 3. ! 4. Xor 5. %.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following are NOT Relational operators in C#.NET? 1. >= 2. != 3. Not 4. <= 5. <>=
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following are the correct ways to increment the value of variable a by 1? 1. ++a++; 2. a += 1; 3. a ++ 1; 4. a = a 1. +1; 5. a = +1;
1. 1, 3
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following is NOT a Bitwise operator in C#.NET?
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following is NOT an Assignment operator in C#.NET?
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following is the correct output for the C#.NET code snippet given below? Console.WriteLine(13 / 2 + " " + 13 % 2);
1.6.5 1
2.6.5 0
3.6 0
4.6 1
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following statements are correct about the Bitwise & operator used in C#.NET? 1. The & operator can be used to Invert a bit. 2. The & operator can be used to put ON a bit. 3. The & operator can be used to put OFF a bit. 4. The & operator can be used to check whether a bit is ON. 5. The & operator can be used to check whether a bit is OFF.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following statements is correct about Bitwise ^ operator used in C#.NET?
1.The ^ operator can be used to put ON a bit
2.The ^ operator can be used to put OFF a bit.
3.The ^ operator can be used to Invert a bit.
4. The ^ operator can be used to check whether a bit is ON.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15
Which of the following statements is correct about the C#.NET code snippet given below? int d; d = Convert.ToInt32( !(30 < 20) );
1. A value 0 will be assigned to d.
2.A value 1 will be assigned to d.
3.A value -1 will be assigned to d.
4. The code reports an error.
Posted Date:-2021-02-25 10:28:15