A gene can be silenced by using?
1.short interfering RNA (RNAi)
2.antisense RNA
3.by Both
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:44:51
An enzyme called ADA is deficient in the genetic disorder SCID. The full form for ADA is?
1.Adenosine deoxy aminase
2. Adenosine deaminase
3. Aspartate deaminase
4. Arginine deaminase
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:44:21
How are genes silenced in RNAi?
1.ss DNA
2.ds DNA
3.ds RNA
4. ss RNA
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:43:29
The first clinical gene therapy was used to treat
3.Cystic fibrosis
4.SCID (Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency) resulting from the deficiency of ADA
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:43:52
What is a protoxin?
1.a primitive toxin
2.a denatured toxin
3.a toxin produced by protozoa
4. inactive toxin
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:41:13
What is golden rice?
1. a variety of rice grown along the yellow river in China
2. long-stored rice having yellow colour tint
3. transgenic rice having the gene for b-carotene
4. a wild variety of rice with yellow coloured grains
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:42:52
What is Pathophysiology?
1.study of the physiology of pathogen
2. study of the normal physiology of a host
3.study of altered physiology of a host
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:41:37
What triggers the activation of the toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis?
1. acidic pH of the stomach
2. high temperature
3.alkaline pH of the gut
4.mechanical action in the insect gut
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:42:00
Which of the following Bt crops is being grown in India by the farmers?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:46:04
Which one of the following vectors is used to replace the defective gene in gene therapy?
1. Ti plasmid
4.Ri plasmid
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:46:41