A lot of attention has been paid to the cultivation of Bt cotton. What does “Bt” mean?
1. Barium treated cotton seeds
2.Carrying an endotoxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis
3.Produced by biotechnology method
4.Bigger thread variety of cotton with tensile strength
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:08:35
A product and the microorganism responsible for it are properly matched by which of the following?
1.Ethyl alcohol- Yeast
2.Acetic acid- Lactobacillus
3.Cheese – Nitrobacter
4. Curd – Azotobacter
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:13:38
Choose the correct statement(s) (1) IARI has released a mustard variety rich in vitamin C. (2) Pusa Sawani variety of Okra is resistant to aphids. (3) Hairiness of leaves provides resistance to insect pests. (4) Agriculture accounts for approximately 33% of India’s GDP and employs nearly 62% of the population.
1.(1) and (2)
2. (2) and (3)
3. (1), (3) and (4)
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:05:58
Even though the majority of varieties of this rice are found in India, which variety of rice was patented by a U.S. company?
1.Sharbati Sonara
4. Lerma Roja
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:07:09
Flavr Savr is a transgenic variety of?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:07:29
Genetically engineered microbes used in oil spill bioremediation are a species of?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:14:46
Genetically modified foods are associated with which of the following risk combinations? I. Toxicity II. Allergic reaction III. Antibiotic resistance in micro-organisms present in the alimentary canal
1. I and II
2. I, II and III
3.I and III
4. II and III
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:11:13
In 1990, the first clinical gene therapy was administered to a 4 years old girl with enzyme deficiency of?
1.Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
2.Tyrosine oxidase
3.Monoamine oxidase
4.Glutamate dehydrogenase
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:05:29
In E.coli, recombinant DNA technology can be used to produce the biologically active form of which of the following?
1. Luteinizing hormone
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:10:46
Once released for cultivation, golden rice is a promising transgenic crop that helps in?
1. producing petrol like fuel from rice
2. alleviation of vitamin A
3.pest resistance
4.herbicide tolerance
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:09:00
Read the following four statements (1-4). 1. The first transgenic buffalo, Rosie produced milk that was human alphalactal albumin enriched. 2. Restriction enzymes are used in the isolation of DNA from other macro-molecules. 3. Downstream processing is one of the steps of R-DNA technology. 4. Disarmed pathogen vectors are also used in the transfer of R-DNA into the host. Two statements have mistakes. Which are they?
1. Statement 2 and 3
2.Statement 3 and 4
3. Statement 1 and 3
4. Statement 1 and 2
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:06:25
Select the correct option for Retrovirus.
1.A RNA virus that can synthesise DNA during infection
2. A DNA virus that can synthesise RNA during infection
3.A ssDNA virus
4.A dsRNA virus
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:37:35
Sometimes, genetic engineering of mammalian cells is necessary to produce proteins because they
1.can produce larger quantities of protein than bacteria
2.can read eukaryotic genes and bacteria cannot
3.can add sugars to make glycoproteins and bacteria cannot
4.are easier to grow than bacteria
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:28:46
The broad-spectrum antibiotics chloramphenicol and erythromycin are produced by?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:09:38
The techniques of biotechnology have been utilised to the maximum extent in what field?
4.Biogas production
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:13:08
The transgenic plants are those that have?
1.no gene
2.genes in transposition
3. genes with no function to perform
4. genes of another organism
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:10:27
Transgenic animals are those that have?
1.foreign DNA in some cells
2.foreign DNA in all of their cells
3.foreign RNA in all of their cells
4. Both (a) and (c)
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:10:05
What does GEAC stand for?
1.Genome Engineering Action Committee
2.Ground Environment Action Committee
3.Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
4.Genetic and Environment Approval committee
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:29:21
What has been designed with Bacillus thuringiensis strains (Bt)?
2.bio-metallurgical technique
3.biominerallurgical process
4. bioinsecticidal plants
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:09:22
What is a transgenic food crop that may solve the problem of night blindness in developing countries?
1.golden rice
2.Bt soyabean
3.flavr – savr tomato
4.starlink maize
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:06:48
What is a–1 Antitrypsin?
1.an antacid
2.an enzyme
3.used to treat arthritis
4. Used to treat emphysema
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:35:56
What is biopiracy related to?
1.Traditional knowledge
2.Biomolecules and regarding bioresources genes isolated from bioresources
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:07:58
What is Bt cotton?
1.a GM plant
2.an insect-resistant
3.a bacterial gene expressing system
4.resistant to all pesticides
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:34:05
What is Humulin?
1.A form of chitin
2.A powerful antibiotic
3.A new digestive enzyme
4. Human insulin
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:14:23
What is the main objective of producing herbicide-resistant GM crops?
1.to encourage eco-friendly herbicides
2.reduce herbicide accumulation in food articles for health safety
3.eliminate weeds from fields without the use of manual labour
4.eliminate weeds from the fields without the use of herbicides
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:12:21
What is the main technique involved in agricultural biotechnology?
1.Tissue culture
3.Plant breeding
4.DNA replication
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:12:42
What is the maximum number of existing transgenic animals of?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:33:34
What is the source of cheese and yoghurt?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:11:52
Which bacteria is generally used in genetic engineering?
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:13:55
Which commercial products have been successfully produced using genetically engineered bacteria?
1. human insulin
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 16:29:42
Which of the following is produced commercially using genetically engineered bacteria?
2.human insulin
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:08:15
Which one of the following vaccines is related to tissue culture?
1.Chicken pox
2.Hepatitis -B
3.Anti rabies
Posted Date:-2024-02-13 13:11:33