A bar of brass is enclosed in a steel tube and are rigidly fastened at both the ends. If the coefficient of thermal expansion of brass is more than that of the steel, when temperature rises, the nature of stresses developed are
1. tensile in both steel and brass bars
2.compressive in steel and tensile in brass bars
3.tensile in steel and compressive in brass bar
4.compressive in both steel and brass bars
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:00:05
A beam is said to be of uniform strength, if
1. bending stress is same at every section along its longitudinal axis
2.deflection is same throughout the beam
3.shear stress is same throughout the beam
4.B.M. is same throughout the beam
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:03:08
A bending moment may be defined as
1.algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces on either side of the section
2.arithmetic sum of the forces on either side of the section
3.arithmetic sum of the moments of all the forces on either side of the section
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:25:43
A diagram which shows the variation of the axial load for all sections of the span of a beam, is called
1.stress diagram
2.shear force diagram
3.bending moment diagram
4.thrust diagram
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:02:57
A leaf spring is a practical example of a beam of uniform strength since
1.it deflects uniformly
2.it absorbs shocks on the body uniformly
3. section modulus is varied in steps depending upon the moment
4.it consists of a number of leaves of same cross section
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:36:01
A long vertical member, subjected to an axial compressive load, is called
1. a stanchion
2.a tie
3. a strut
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:35:39
A portion of beam between two sections is said to be in pure bending, when there is
1. zero bending moment and constant shear force
2.zero binding moment and zero shear force
3.constant bending moment and zero shear force
4. constant bending moment and constant shear force
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:42:04
A reinforced concrete beam is assumed to be made of
1.isotropic material
2.homogeneous material
3.heterogeneous material
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:47:21
According to Robert Hooke, stress is proportional to strain upto
1.ultimate stress
2.yield point
3.elastic limit
4.proportionality limit
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:51:49
An arch may be subjected to
1.bending moment and shear force
2.shear and axial force
3.thrust, shear force and bending moment
4.bending moment and axial force
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:27:02
Beam of uniform strength means
1. a beam with same maximum shear stress at all sections
2.a beam in which maximum bending stress is same at all sections
3.a beam subjected to same moment throughout
4.a beam with uniform cross section
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:12:57
Elastic limit means
1.the stress remains the same but strain increases
2.limiting value of stress upto which if the material is stressed and then released, strain disappears completely
3. limiting value of stress upto which stress is proportional to strain
4. none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:05:12
Endurance limit is
1. The maximum stress at which even a billion reversal of stress cannot cause failure of the material
2. The maximum stress a material can sustain for very long time
3.The maximum bending stress the material can take
4. The maximum stress a material can take under direct loading
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:53:38
For a simply supported beam with a central load, the bending moment is
1.maximum at the centre
2.maximum at the supports
3.least at the centre
4. least at the supports
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:59:58
For the same height, the bottom width for no tension.
1.for triangular section is same as that of rectangular section
2. for triangular section is more than rectangular section
3.for rectangular section is more than triangular section
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:34:31
Hooke's law states that stress and strain are
1.curvilinearly related
2.directly proportional
3.inversely proportional
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:29:21
If the stress in each cross section of a pillar is equal to its working stress, it is called
1.body of equal strength
2. body of equal section
3.body of equal
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:39:50
In a bar of large length when held vertically and subjected to a load at its lower end, its own weigh produces additional stress. The maximum stress will be
1. at every point of the bar
2.at the central cross section
3.at the built in upper cross section
4.at the lower cross section
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:38:26
In a electrical strain gauge, the quantity measured to determine strain is
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:43:02
In a tension test on a bar, gauge length means
1. the length over which extension is measured
2.the length over which extensometer grips
3. grip to grip distance
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:34:36
In a thin cylinder stress in _____ direction is negligible.
4. any
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:56:35
In any beam, shear stress at extreme fibre and neutral axis are respectively
1.maximum and zero
2.zero and maximum
3. zero and zero
4.maximum and maximum
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:59:06
In case of steel, the factor of safety taken is
4.4 to 5
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:48:18
In case of steel, the strain at yield point is
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:15:23
In the analysis of thick cylinder, the assumption made is
1.the longitudinal strain is uniform across the section
2.the longitudinal stress distribution is uniform
3. tithe hoop stress distribuon is uniform
4.radial stress is negligible streradialss is negligible
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:07:37
Influence lines are drawn for structures
1. pin-jointed truss
2.statistically determinate
3.of any type
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:22:48
Kern of rectangular column is having _____ shape.
1. rectangular
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:56:31
Liming value of Poisson's ratio are
1. 0 and 0.2
2.0 and 0.5
3.1 and – 0.5
4.– 1 and – 0.5
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:50:35
Linear strain is defined as
1.shortening per unit original length
2.change in length per unit original length
3.extension per unit original length
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:10:06
Maximum shear stress in a beam of rectangular cross section is _____ times the average shear stress.
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:09:08
Shear force for a cantilever carrying a uniformly distributed load over its length, is
1.cubic parabola
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:04:11
Stress at any point in a material is defined as
1.resisting force per unit area
2.modulus elasticity times strain
3. load per unit area
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:52:35
Stress in members of statically determinate simple frames can be determined by
1.graphical solution
2.method of sections
3.method of joints
4. all the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:23:47
The angle between the direction of maximum shear plane and maximum principal plane are
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 11:55:23
The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force
1. is minimum
2.is maximum
3.changes sign
4. is equal
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:06:26
The deflection of any rectangular beam simply supported is
1.directly proportional to the cube of its length
2. inversely proportional to the cube of its depth
3.directly proportional to its weight
4.inversely proportional to its width
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:01:56
The distance between the centres of adjacent rivets in the same row, is called
4. staggered pitch
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:24:22
The effect of arching a beam, is
1. nothing on the bending throughout
2.to reduce the bending moment throughout
3. to increase the bending moment throughout
4.all the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:20:00
The key of graphic construction is the cancelling of pairs of
1. collinear components
2.equal components
3.opposite components
4.all the above
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:03:50
The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions, are called
1. hard
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:00:51
The maximum bending moment due to a moving load on a simply supported beam, occurs
1.anywhere on the beam
2.under the load
3.at the supports
4. at the mid span
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:37:05
The minimum number of rivets for the connection of a gusset plate is
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:58:39
The moment diagram for a cantilever whose free end is subjected to a bending moment, will be a
1.cubic parabola
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:07:21
The point of contraflexture occurs in
1.over hanging beams only
2.continuous beams only
3.cantilever beams only
4.all types of beams
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:28:43
The property by which a body returns to its original shape after removal of the force, is called
1. malleability
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:42:18
The property of a material by which it can be drawn to a smaller section, due to tension is called
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:36:58
The resistance offered by a loaded section of a bar per unit area, is called
1. load
2.intensity of stress
3. strain
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:21:19
The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, carrying a uniformly increasing load, is always
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:46:20
The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, having no external load, is always
1. circular
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:05:06
The shear force on a simply supported beam is proportional to
1.algebraic sum of the transverse forces of the section
2.curvature of the neutral axis
3. displacement of the neutral axis
4.sum of the transverse forces
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:18:47
The stress at which extension of a material takes place more quickly as compared to the increase in load, is called
1.elastic point
2.yielding point
3. breaking point
4.plastic point
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:30:33
The stress in the wall of a cylinder in a direction normal to its longitudinal axis, due to a force acting along the circumference is known as
1. circumferential stress
2.hoop stress
3. longitudinal stress
4. yield stress
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 03:08:24
The type of butt joints in common use, is
1. single V-butt joint
2.double V-butt joint
3.double U-butt joint
4.single inverted V-butt joint
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:16:29
The value of Poisson's ratio always remains
1.equal to one
2. greater than one
3.less than one
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:32:30
The weakest section of a diagonal riveting, is the section which passes through
1. central row
2.one rivet hole of end row
3. first row
4.second row
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:01:29
When a cast iron specimen is tested in tension its failure is
1.at right angles to the axial direction
2.by formation of cup and cone
3.at 30° to axial direction
4.at 45° to axial direction
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:51:26
When two plates butt together and are riveted with two cover plates with two rows of rivets, the joint is known as
1.butt joint
2. lap joint
3.double riveted double cover butt joint
4. single riveted single cover butt joint
Posted Date:-2022-09-28 02:23:16
Which one of the following is not the assumption in deriving Euler's theory for long columns?
1. the columns are having hinged ends only
2. the column fails by buckling alone
3. the column is initially straight and is loaded axially
4. the section of the column is uniform throughout
Posted Date:-2022-09-27 12:32:01