A haemolytic transfusion reaction will occur when
1.A blood is transfused into an AB patient
2.AB blood is transfused into an O patient
3.O positive blood is transfused into an O negative patient
4.O negative blood is transfused into an AB positive patient
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:49:03
Haematopoietic stem cells give rise to all these excep
1.: dendritic cells
2.Kupffer cells
3.mast cells
4. fibroblasts
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:29:21
Haemolytic disease of the newborn
1.develops signs and symptoms after delivery
2.is most common in Asia
3. occurs in Rh D + infants of Rh D – mothers
4.occurs in Rh D - infants of Rh D + mothers
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:42:06
Lymphatic fluid
1.absorbs water-insoluble dietary fat
2.contains anticoagulant substances
3.does not normally contain white blood cells
4.has a higher protein content than plasma
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:46:43
Normal haemoglobin is made up of
1.2 alpha globin chains, 2 beta globin chains & 2 heme moieties
2.2 alpha globin chains, 2 beta globin chains & 4 heme moieties
3.2 alpha globin chains, 1 beta globin chain & 3 heme moieties
4. 4 alpha globin chains & 4 heme moieties
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:27:28
1.is inhibited by tissue factor pathway inhibitor
2.is not present in normal blood vessels
3.is secreted by activated plasma cells
4.lyses fibrin and fibrinogen
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:45:27
Platelets have
1.a half life in the circulation of 4 days
2.an average size of 1/10th that of a RBC
3. blood group antigens on their cell membranes
4.small, dense nuclei
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:47:43
The intrinsic system of clotting factor activation requires
1.factor VIIa
2.HMW kininogen
3.tissue thromboplastin
4.von Willebrand factor
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:44:16
The normal liver does not synthesise this protein
1.alpha feto protein
4.insulin-like growth factor
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:43:19
The oxygen affinity of the Fe++ site in heme is increased by
3.decreased NADH-metHb reductase activity
4. increased 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate
Posted Date:-2022-08-28 05:28:25