is a waste disposal method where solid organic wastes are converted to the residue and gaseous products through combustion.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:41:21
is an organism used to gauge the quality of an ecosystem.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:40:41
deals with carbon data, storage, transmission, and its interfaces with other data.
1. green security it policy computing
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:19:46
deals with the green credentials of the asset in terms of its design and development.
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:01:36
further enhances this data capture ability and makes it real time.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:15:53
Used to show functionalities and business processes from a user’s point of view.
1.package diagram
2.use case diagram
3.sequence diagram
4.state machine diagram.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:18:54
is made up of data that belong to each of the four groups of systems.
1. green network repository system data center
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:20:58
requirements that are specifying the technologies that are needed to handle the Green IT initiative. network repository technical data center
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:21:55
is a small to medium travel agency operating out of New York. A company has an excellent, elite client base. waters
3.both a and b
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:59:24
Used to create and model subsystems.
1. package diagram
2.use case diagram
3.sequence diagram
4.state machine diagram.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:17:42
(B)False Answer : B
1.24. what is the first step in data center energy-efficiency planning? (a).cut reliance on nuclear power
2. cut reliance on coal
3.evaluate current data center energy usage
4.eliminate the need for a central, uninterruptible power supply
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:23:54
includes tools for process modeling and many of the process-enabling technologies such as business rules, policies, and metrics. ict it computing policy
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:10:15
A company is _single-owner enterprise with approximately 25 employees.
1.well-controlled and well-managed
2.well controlled
3.well managed
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 07:00:18
A GIS (or a CEMS or EIS) is a software system that provides support to the business to implement its
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:14:58
An senior management of the bank is keen to incorporate as an integral part of its business strategy. it policy computing
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:53:27
anything that has social, environmental and/or economic value that is owned by an individual, business, family or community. computing assets policy it
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 05:59:32
Building and facilities impact the long term strategic approach to
1. carbon reduction
2.carbon emission
3.carbon cost
4.carbon footprint
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:03:10
Consider the following statement and find out the incorrect one
1. mitigation tackles the cause of climate change
2.adaptation seeks to tacle the impacts of climate change
3.sustainable development refers to non-declining human wellbeing over time
4.india had ratified the london convention dealing with prevention of marine pollution by dumping wastes
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:38:20
Social, economic and ecological equity is the necessary condition for achieving development
2.economic development
3.sustainable development
4.ecological development
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:31:38
This survey respects the privacy of the individuals and the of the organization.
3.both a and b
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 07:01:55
A "green transport plan" is: environmentally acceptable travel plan devised by a local authority for its area
2. an internationally agreed strategy for reducing the impact of international transport activity on the global environment.
3.a plan devised by a company or organisation to reduce the environmental impact of the transport demands generated by itself and its employees
4. the uk governments plan for a sustainable transport sector
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:28:25
A bank has recently ap pointed a chief green officer also called
1. chief sustainability officer
2.chief sophisticated officer
3.chief green manager
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:52:02
A Green assets and infrastructure comprise substantial part of that
1.long-term approach
2.short term approach
3.both a and b
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:00:56
Adaptation’ and ‘Migration’ are associated with
1.water pollution warming
3.sustainable forest management
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:36:47
An organization is supported with sophisticated suite of software.
1.enterprise resource planning (erp)
2.resource planning
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:51:01
As per the Basel Conversation ‘waste’ include all substances that
1.have no longer any use for people
2.are either discarded or intented to be discarded
3.are need to be disposed
4.all of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:32:44
BPM is a well-established industry practice encompassing, reengineering, and optimization of processes, and the measuring, merging, and elimination of business processes.
1.process modelling
2.reverse modeling
3.reverse process
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:04:02
By this method, the majority of carbon moves from the lithosphere to the atmosphere
4.fossil fuel burning
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:49:59
Carbon Dioxide Equivalent is
1. the emission of a gas, by weight, multiplied by its ‘global warming potential’ much globa;l warming, a greenhouse gas may cause, using carbon dioxide as the base unit
3.both a and b
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:37:30
Carbon Intensity’ denotes which of the following
1.the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced to support human activities
2.the linkage of carbon footprint with economic growth and implies growth with equity
3.certified emission reductions
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:35:29
Depletion of the ozone layer is damaging to human health. Negative effects include cancers
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:40:02
Food, space, disease, natural disasters, climate, competition and predation are examples of what?
1. capacity factors
2.limiting factors
3.predation factors
4.sustainable factors
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:29:12
GIS also provides feedback to customers and other of the business on its environmental performance.
1.external users
2.internal users
3.both a & b
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:16:42
Green BPM deals with the overall management of all and _ process of an organization from a green perspective.
1.internal and external
2.external and internal
3.includes and excludes
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:00:14
india had ratified the london convention dealing with prevention of marine pollution by dumping wastes
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:39:22
Mobile supply chain management (MSCM) can bring together, dynamically, factors such as number, location, and size of warehouses.
1. rfid
4. mscm
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:13:35
MSCM can also use to improve material handling in distribution logistics.
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:12:01
Need for sophisticated IT systems on the rise, especially in supporting the growth in passenger travels, especially in the .
1. business market methodology market and methodology
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:58:44
New bank plans to g row through acquisition. A well-known home loans vendor is in the process of being
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:52:40
Reusing or recycling old items instead of buying new ones helps shrink your carbon footprint by…
1.eliminating the need for new packaging to be created
2.cutting out the co2 released when transporting new products to the store
3.making sure you don’t buy more than you need
4.all of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 05:58:40
Sustainable Development focuses on more use of:
1.renewable resources
2.abiotic resources
3.agricultural resources
4.natural resources
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:30:21
The leaders of the bank believe, will be possible by
1. undertaking a trans_formation of the bank to a green bank
2.putting in place environmental strategies that align closely with the bank’s business strategy.
3.both a and b
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:57:55
The role of bacteria in the carbon cycle is
1.breakdown of organic compounds
4.assimilation of nitrogen compounds
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:48:16
The sum of all emissions of carbon dioxide which were included by an entity’s activities in a given timeframe is called
1.carbon footprint
2.carbon intensity
3.carbon sinks
4.none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:34:06
The value-action gap refers to .
1.the space that occurs when the values (personal and cultural) or attitudes of an individual do not correlate to his or her actions
2.the space that diminishes when the values (personal and cultural) or attitudes of an individual mirror his or her actions
3.the opportunity cost of lost value when making decisions
4. none of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:24:56
This carbon isotope is radioactive and very rare
1.carbon – 11
2.carbon – 12
3.carbon – 13
4.carbon – 14
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:49:22
This survey respects the privacy of the individuals and the of the organization.
3.both a and b
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 07:04:11
Which is TRUE?
1.ecological modernization is a school of thought in the social sciences that argues that the economy benefits from moves towards environmentalism.
2.ecological modernization is a school of thought in which ecologists argue for cleaner air and thus less air pollution.
3.ecological modernization is a school of thought in engineering that argues that the societal benefits of cleaner fuel are greater than the cost of introducing such modernization.
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:26:03
Which one of the following characteristics is widely regarded as being an important aspect of sustainable development?
1. inter-generational equity
2. increasing consumption expenditure
3.intra-generational inequity
4.increased levels of saving
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 06:27:06
Which operating system is the most green? vista xp
3.linux (because linux users replace their computers less often, and because linux requires less energy)
4.apples os x
Posted Date:-2022-07-14 07:05:16