The advantages of assembly level programming is
1.flexibility of programming is more
2.chances of error are less
3.debugging is easy
4.all of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 10:59:42
The device that generates the basic timing clock signal for the operation of the circuit using crystal oscillator is
1.timing unit
2.timing and control unit
4.clock generator
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:43:45
The disadvantage of machine level programming is
1.time consuming
2. chances of error are more
3. debugging is difficult
4.all of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 10:56:25
The instruction, RLA performs
1.rotation of address register to left
2.rotation of accumulator to left
3.rotation of address register to right
4.rotation of accumulator to right
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:50:09
The register that can be used as a scratch pad is
2.B register
3.Data register
4.Accumulator and B register
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:03:40
The register that provides control and status information about serial port is
1. IP
2. IE
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:41:41
The storage of addresses that can be directly accessed is
1.external data RAM
2.internal data ROM
3. internal data RAM and SFRS
4. external data ROM and SFRS
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:46:04
A software is to be developed for a system which has a small memory. The software should ?
1.use recursion wherever possible
2.avoid using recursion
3. Not use macros instead of functions
4.Both b and c
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 10:52:12
In a syntax directed translation scheme,if values of an attribute of a node is a function of the attributes of its children,then attribute is called
1.canonical attribute
2.synthesized attribute
3.inherited attribute
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 16:30:55
The address register for storing the 16-bit addresses can only be
1.stack pointer pointer
3.instruction register
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:47:06
The addressing mode, in which the instructions has no source and destination operands is
1.register instructions
2.register specific instructions
3. direct addressing
4.indirect addressing
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:48:13
The architecture of 8051 consists of
1.4 latches
2.2 timer registers
3.4 on-chip I/O ports
4. all of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:33:04
The coded object modules of the program to be assembled are present in
1.ASM file
2.OBJ file
3.EXE file
4.OBJECT file
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 10:58:04
The expansion of nested macro calls follows
1.FIFO rule
2.LIFO rule
3.LILO rule
4.priority rule
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 16:28:43
The extension that is essential for every assembly level program is
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:00:52
The fourth Generation computer was made up of ?
2.Vacuum tubes
4.Microprocessor chips
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 16:29:56
The register that may be used as an operand register is
2. B register
3.Data register
4.Accumulator and B register
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:01:57
The register that provides control and status information about counters is
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:39:02
The registers that are not accessible by the user are
1.Accumulator and B register
2.IP and IE
3.instruction registers
4.TMP1 and TMP2
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:45:06
The registers that contains the status information is
1.control registers
2.instruction registers
3.program status word
4.all of the mentioned
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:05:00
The transmit buffer of serial data buffer is a
1.serial-in parallel-out register
2.parallel-in serial-out register
3.serial-in serial-out register
4.parallel-in parallel-out register
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 13:36:56
Which of the processor’s stack does not contain the top-down data structure?
Posted Date:-2022-06-06 11:20:35