/Sharepoint/Sharepoint Mcq Question Set 6 Sample Test,Sample questions

How can a single workflow be associated with multiple document libraries?

1.By creating a workflow using the Microsoft Share Point designer

2.By creating a workflow using Microsoft Visual Studio and associating it with the Microsoft Share Point designer

3.By creating a workflow using Microsoft Visual Studio

4.By defining the workflow in a feature file and installing the feature

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:25:37

How many log files can we create in Usage report?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:12:34

How many sites can we create with a Sub site?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:24:31

In the central Adminstration operation tab, what does the solution management show?

1.All the installed Feature file along with the solution files

2.All the installed solution files

3.All the custom web application files

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:23:07

In the context of an account whose user has higher privileges than the current user, which of the following methods would you use to assign a Web Part that runs a subset of code?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:09:53

Suppose you create a MOSS 2007 site which contains user contact information and that is configured to use a shared service provider (SSP) to manage user profiles. which contain user contact information. How would you retrieve the address of a particular user?

1.By using Address:Prefix to perform a keyword search

2.By obtaining the value of the Address node from the user's SPUser.XML property

3.By obtaining the value of the PropertyInformation.Description property, where the value of the PropertyInformation.Name is Address

4.By entering the code UserProfile userProfile = profileManager.GetUserProfile("Zenthadmerson");<br>string l_strAddress=userProfile["Address"].Value

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:32:35

Suppose you have created a site from a site definition and you now want to arrange the Web Parts in sequence in a single webpart zone. Which of the following XML fragments would you use in the site definition Onet.xml?

1.View List="Test" BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="Right" ListOrder="1"

2.View List="Test1" BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="Right" ListOrder="2"

3.View List="Test" BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="Right"WebPartSequence="1"

4.View List="Test" BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="Right" WebPartOrder="1" View List="Test1 BaseViewID="0" WebPartZoneID="Right" WebPartOr

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:20:39

Suppose you host a form template named Temp1 on Office Form Server 2007, and then you create a new version of the form named Temp2. Which of the following actions must you perform to create an automated administration task that ensures that the sites use Temp2 instead of Temp1?

1.Call the Activate method of the FormCollection object for the server farm.

2.Call the Quiesce method of the FormTemplate object for each website in a site collection.

3.Call the Update method of the FormTemplate object for each website in a site collection.

4.Call the UpgradeFormTemplate method of the FormTemplateCollection object for the server farm.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:09:10

Suppose you receive a conversion error while using the InfoPath form converter (which converts an InfoPath path form from the form library to a webpage). How can you solve this error?

1.By adding Infopath Control to the webpage

2.By using a universal data converter between InfoPath and the SharePoint site

3.By modifying the conversion schedule for the document-to-page converter

4.By using an administrator account to publish the form to the form library

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:34:03

To activate a feature of a Site Collection,what value would you assign to the Scope attribute of the respective feature element defined in the feature.xml file?



3.Web Application Farm

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:22:46

What could be the possible reason for a User being presented with a request permission page, when she attempts to complete a task assigned to her while trouble shooting a workflow?

1.By default, workflow includes users who do not have site access. Users without site access who attempt to complete the task assigned to them are directed to the request permission page.

2.The user account has been disabled in AD. Re-enable her domain account.

3.You need to enable the alert for the user to access the task list part.

4.By default, workflow can include the external user who does not have site access. Ensure this user is a domain user.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:27:21

What file will you have to modify to include the disclaimer in all the email alerts sent from MOSS 2007?

1.Web.config File

2.Feature.xml file



Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:29:21

What is Prescan.exe?

1.The tool that scans Solution file for error.

2.The tool that scans Feature file for error.

3.The tool that scans your sites and reports issues, which enables you to fix any errors before you perform an upgrade from SharePoint 2003 to Moss 2007.

4.The tool that scans a document for error before uploading it.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:26:32

What should you do if you do not want to show the .Nat extension files in the search result?

1.Include .Nat as a blocked type.

2.Run the Stsadm command with the remove-escfiletrustedlocation operator.

3.Remove the .Nat extension from the file type inclusion list.

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:14:35

What should you do if you want to perform maintenance on your server farm and you want to prevent users from establishing a new connection in such a way that the existing user session will not get terminated?

1.Quiesce the server farm.

2.Stop the windows SharePoint service Timer service.

3.Disable the session state for the server farm.

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:20:07

What should you do when you want to see how many documents are pending for approval by a given user?

1.View the workflows task list.

2.Remove the workflow from the library.

3.Check for the check-out files by that user name.

4.Create a new approval workflow and assign yourself as the approver.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:09:31

What will you do to ensure that users are able to access your WSS 3.0 site in case of web front end failure?

1.Configure two web applications, have each web application point to the same configuration database.

2.Configure two MOSS servers, have each server point to the same configuration database.

3.Configure two MOSS servers, have each server point to the same content database.

4.Configure two MOSS servers, have each server configured to host a copy of the same configuration and content database. Each server will point to the local copy of configuration and content database.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:11:36

When would you set the AllowUnsafeUpdates property of the SPWeb/SPSite class to "true"?

1.When you require full control to execute any code

2.When you require updating of your WSS data without security validation

3.When you don't want to create a new version for updates

4.a and b

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:08:15

Where will we get an option to set the file upload limit for a document library?

1.In the web application setting

2.In the farm setting

3.In the site setting

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:34:22

Which code segment should you use, to check whether the user of account name "MicrosoftAdmerson" has a user profile?

1.using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test"))<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;{<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ServerContext context = ServerContext.GetContext(site);<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UserProfi

2.using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test")) { ServerContext context = ServerContext.GetContext(site);UserProfi

3.using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test")){ ServerContext context = ServerContext.GetContext(site);UserProfi

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:15:30

Which event in diagnostic logging enables the detail trace log?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:26:54

Which Method of Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing namespace will be used to check whether the publishing feature for the particular web is activated or not?




4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:29:42

Which of the following actions must you complete if you want to install and use a Web Part with a feature?

1.Deploy the assembly to the Assembly Folder (GAC)

2.Copy the folder into the Feature folder

3.Install the feature

4.All of the above

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:17:28

Which of the following actions must you perform to audit the date and type of each document in the report library that was printed by a specific user?

1.Implement the IRouter interface

2.Implement the IPolicyFeature interface

3.Implement the IProfileEventInterface interface

4.b and c

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:16:31

Which of the following code segments would you use if you wanted to update a list item without triggering an alert?

1.SPList list = l_web.Lists["FinalTest"];SPListItemCollection listItemCollection;listItemCollection = list.Items;SPListItem listitem = listItemCollection[

2.SPList list = l_web.Lists["FinalTest"];SPListItemCollection listItemCollection;listItemCollection = list.Items;SPListItem listitem = listItemCollection[

3.SPList list = l_web.Lists["FinalTest"];SPListItemCollection listItemCollection;listItemCollection = list.Items;SPListItem listitem = listItemCollection[

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:10:50

Which of the following code segments would you use to add data to a field that has URL data type?

1.SPList m_list = m_web.Lists["Test"]; SPListItemCollection l_items = m_list.Items; SPListItem l_newItem = l_items.Add(); l_newItem["URL"] = "

2.SPList m_list = m_web.Lists["Test"]; SPListItemCollection l_items = m_list.Items; SPListItem l_newItem = l_items.Add(); l_newItem["URL"] =

3.SPList m_list = m_web.Lists["Test"]; SPListItemCollection l_items = m_list.Items; SPListItem l_newItem = l_items.Add(); l_newItem["URL"] =

4.SPList m_list = m_web.Lists["Test"]; SPListItemCollection l_items = m_list.Items; SPListItem l_newItem = l_items.Add(); l_newItem["URL"] = "

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:19:40

Which of the following codes will execute without error?

1.SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost"); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(); SPUser user = web.CurrentUser; web.SiteGroups.Add(&

2.SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost"); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(); SPUser user = web.CurrentUser;web.SecurityGroup.Ad

3.SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost"); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(); SPUser user = web.CurrentUser; web.SiteGroups.Add(&

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:19:15

Which of the following features is not/are not supported in MOSS 2007 Excel Services?

1.Data Validation

2.AutoShapes and WordArt

3.Embedded SmartTags

4.None of the above features is supported in MOSS 2007 Excel Services.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:17:53

Which of the following files should you modify to add a "Where" condition to the view of a list definition?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:28:55

Which of the following important actions must an administrator complete so that users can use MOSS 2007 Excel Services to access workbooks from the document library.

1.Define the site as a managed path within SharePoint

2.Add the document library URL to the trusted location list

3.Edit the permissions of the document library to grant full control to SharePoint application pool identity accounts

4.Create a custom security policy for the document library, and add the file to the SecurityPolicy section of the site's Web.config file

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:32:06

Which of the following is true when you are installing application templates?

1.Application templates for WSS 3.0 are separated into two groups, site admin templates and server admin templates. To install site admin templates, you must be a member of the Owners SharePoint group. To install server admin template, you must be a member

2.Application templates for WSS 3.0 are downloadable as WSS 3.0 farm application templates. To install WSS 3.0 application templates, you must be a member of the farm administrator group on the server r

3.all of the above

4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:28:33

Which of the following methods would you use to include new controls when creating a Web Part?




4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:24:09

Which of the following Query objects can you bind with the list object?




4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:11:12

Which of the following Query objects is only used in MOSS 2007 and not in WSS 3.0?




4.None of the mentioned

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:24:54

Which of the following sets of code will execute without error?

1.public string UpdateListItems(string p_strSiteUrl){SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegeS(delegate(){SPSite Site = new SPSite(p_StrSiteUrl);SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();SPUSer USer = web.CUrrentUSer;

2.public string UpdateListItems(string p_strSiteUrl){SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegeS(delegate(){SPSite Site = new SPSite(p_StrSiteUrl);SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();SPUSer USer = web.CUrrentUSer;

3.public string UpdateListItems(string p_strSiteUrl){SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegeS(delegate(){SPSite Site = new SPSite("http://localhoSt");SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();SPUSer USer =

4.public string UpdateListItems(string p_strSiteUrl){SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegeS(delegate(){SPSite Site = new SPSite(p_StrSiteUrl);SPWeb web = Site.OpenWeb();SPUSer USer = web.CUrrentUSer;

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:10:27

Which of the following SPQuery object properties should be set to get results from all the folders in a list?

1.SPQuery query = new SPQuery();<br>query.Webs = "&lt;Webs Scope="Recursive" /&gt;";

2.SPQuery query = new SPQuery();<br>query.ViewAttributes = "scope="Recursive""

3.SPQuery query = new SPQuery();<br>query.ViewAttributes = "scope="SiteCollection"";

4.none of the above

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:32:57

Which of the following statements is true if you install MOSS 2007/WSS 3.0 on a single server using Configuration Wizard?

1.A default setup program automatically installs SQL Server 2005 express edition. You will need to create configuration database for your SharePoint sites, extend an application pool and create your first site.

2.A default setup program automatically installs WMSDE. You will need to create configuration database and content database for your SharePoint sites, extend an application pool and create your first si

3.A default setup program automatically installs SQL Server 2005 express edition and uses it to create the configuration database for your SharePoint sites. You have to create your first web application

4.A default setup program automatically installs SQL Server 2005 and uses it to create the configuration database for your SharePoint sites, installs SharePoint's Central Administration web-site an

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:16:59

Which of the following statements regarding SharePoint ghosted pages is true?

1.Pages are loaded from the file system.

2.Page data is loaded from the content database.

3.Page data is loaded from the IIS server.

4.a and c

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:26:00

Which of the following synchronous events occur in MOSS?




4.b and c

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:18:48

Which of the following types of backup does STSADM – Export command support?

1.Site collection


3.Web application

4.a and b

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:28:13

Which path should you use if you are deploying/creating a custom site definition in MOSS 2007?





Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:18:17

Which site template will you use to show the Key performance indicator (KPI) list, data connection library and a reference library?

1.Create a site by making use of document center template.

2.Create a site by making use of the Publishing template.

3.Create a site by making use of the Report center template.

4.Create a site by making use of the team site template.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:27:49

Which type of property gets associated with other properties and which property is used for searching content from a search database?

1.Crawled property

2.Managed property

3.Document property

4.Profile property

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:31:40

Why would you add a reference to MOSS 2007's Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal Assembly in a custom web application?

1.To implement Single Sign On (SSO)

2.To accessing user profile properties

3.To modify search crawl rules and search scope

4.To create new web applications

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:14:58

You are configuring your SharePoint server 2007 farm. You need to configure Kerberos authentication. In the configure SharePoint central Administrator web application dialog box, you clicked negotiate (Kerberos), and then clicked next. What other steps must you have taken?

1.Using the Kerberos option requires you to configure a Service Principal Name(SPN) for all of the domain User accounts who will be authenticating through Kerberos.

2.Using the Kerberos option requires you to configure a Service Principal Name(SPN) for the web application domain user account.

3.Using the Kerberos option requires you to configure a User Principal Name (UPN) for all of the domain user accounts who will be authenticating through Kerberos.

4.Using the Kerberos option requires you to configure a User Principal Name (UPN) for the web application domain user account.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:23:32

You are planning a WSS 3.0 server farm implementation using the NLB cluster. You are tasked with applying a consistent look and feel to the entire site collection. What setting will you do?

1.You will need to configure the WSS 3.0 site collection so only you can create or modify sites. In this way, you can enforce a consistent look.

2.You will need to configure the WSS 3.0 site collection so only the site designer can create or modify the sites

3.Enforce approval is required on all site creation and modification. Give site approval right only to trained users. In this way, you can enforce a consistent look.

4.From the site action, site settings, modify all site settings, in the look and feel column, click the master page link, select the checkbox for all sub sites to use this master page.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:12:13

You are planning your SharePoint Server 2007 farm install. Currently, you are running a Windows server NT server 4.0 domain. What should be your first concern?

1.You must upgrade to the windows server 2003 Active Directory Domain.

2.You must ensure all servers that will host the SharePoint server farm are running SP6 or the latter.

3.You need to install the Windows serevr2003 on your IIS machine in the Worker process isolation mode.

4.You need to load a share point portal server2003 farm first and then upgrade to SharePoint server 2007.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:08:42

You are planning your SharePoint Server 2007 farm install. How will you plan your Database?

1.The SharePoint Server 2007 setup program automatically creates the configuration and index databases when you install and configure SharePoint server 2007. You will need to create the required content database(s).

2.The SharePoint Server 2007 setup program automatically creates the configuration and content databases when you install and configure it. You will need to create the required index database(s).

3.You need to create the required content, index and configuration databases prior to installing SharePoint Server 2007.

4.The SharePoint Server 2007 setup program automatically creates the necessary databases when you install and configure it. Optionally, you can preinstall the required databases, if your IT environment

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:16:00

You are planning your SharePoint server 2007 farm install. You need to configure User Accounts for the Installation purpose. You want to follow the principle of least privilege. You have created a new domain user. To which security group should this user be added?

1.The account that you select for installing SharePoint server 2007 needs to be a member of the Domain administrators group.

2.The account you use for office server 2007 installation needs to be a member of the administrators group on every server on which you install SharePoint Server 2007.Use the mirrored local user account

3.The SharePoint products and technology configuration wizard adds this account to the local Administrator group. The user account that you specify as the service account must be a domain user account.

4.The account you use for office server 2007 installation needs to be a member of the administrators group on every server on which you install SharePoint server 2007.You can, however, remove this accou

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:33:33

You need to enable access to an external user to your site workflow. Which settings will have to be enabled in the workflow settings of the Applications tab in the Central administration?

1.In the user-Defined workflow section, under allow external user to participate in workflow, select Yes. External users will be notified by e-mail when those users are part of the workflow and are granted access to the workflow attached web part(s).

2.In the user-Defined workflow section, under allow external user to participate in workflow by sending them a copy of the document, select Yes if you want the document sent to the external users by e-m

3.You need to enable anonymous access for the site the external users must access for the users to access the task list part.

4.By default, workflow can include external users who do not have site access. Create the domain user account for these users.

Posted Date:-2022-02-18 11:13:03

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