How can you print the object name associated with the last VB error to the Immediate window?
1.Debug.Print Err.Number
2.Debug.Print Err.Source
3.Debug.Print Err.Description
4.Debug.Print Err.LastDLLError
Posted Date:-2022-01-07 16:27:31
What function does the TabStop property on a command button perform?
1.It determines whether the button can get the focus
2.If set to False it disables the Tabindex property.
3.It determines the order in which the button will receive the focus
4.It determines if the access key swquence can be used
Posted Date:-2022-01-07 16:28:24
Which of the follwing contexts are available in the add watch window?
Posted Date:-2022-01-07 16:26:26
Which window will allow you to halt the execution of your code when a variable changes?
1.The call stack window
2.The immedite window
3.The locals window
4.The watch window
Posted Date:-2022-01-07 16:26:58