A particle is:
1.A patchwork of words sentences passages
2.A satirical poem
3. A love song
4.A collection of lines from different poems
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
A woman drew her long black hair out tight And fiddled whisper music on those strings.From which section of Eliots The Waste Land are the above lines taken ?
1.A Game of Chess
2. What the Thunder Said
3. Burial of the Dead
4. Fire Sermon
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
After Shakespeare made his debut as a London playwright he was described as an Upstart crow by:
1.Robert Greene
2.Thomas Lodge
3.Christopher Marlowe
4.John Lyl
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Andrew Marvells An Horatian Ode upon Cromwells Return from Ireland was written in
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Assertion (AST) : Literary and historical periodization often has nothing to do with the lifetime of writers. Thus we see two writers born in the same year belonging to two separate periods.Reasoning/ (R) : Thomas Carlyle and John Keats were born in 1795. In standard literary Example histories Keats is a Romantic and Carlyle a Victorian.
1.(AST) and (R) are correct
2. (AST) is correct; (R) is incorrect
3. (.AST) and (R) are incorrect
4. (R) does not follow from (AST)
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Byrons The Vision of Judgment is a satire directed against
1.Charles Lamb
2. John Keats
3. Henry Hallam
4. Robert Southey
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Chos>se the correct sequence of the following schools of criticism
1.Structuralism New Criticism Deconstruction Reader Response
2. New Criticism Structuralism. Deconstruction Reader Response
3. Reader Response. Deconstruction Structuralism New Criticism
4. Deconstruction New Criticism Structuralism Reader Response
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Fanny Burneys Evelina is about:
1.A young ladys entry into F.nglish fashionable society
2. English refugees in Paris
3. An English enthusiast for revolutionary liberty
4. Money and the world of the country house
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Gudrun is a character in a novel by :
1.James Joyce
2.Virginia Woolf
3.Di H. Lawrence
4.E. M. Forster
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Hemic Couplet is a pair of : ?
1.Rhyming iambic pentameter lines
2.Unrhyming iambic pentameter lines
3.Rhyming iambic hexameter
4.Unrhyming iambic hexameter
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
In Black Venus Angela Carter takes elements?from the poetry of a famous French poet and places them in a very different paradigm. Who is the French poet?
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
In its final published version Eliots The Waste Land contains a total of
1.334 lines
2. 433 lines
3. 373 lines
4. 423 lines
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
In which of the following novels by Graham ne does the little girl Brigitta appear?
1.The Heart of the Matter
2. The Power and the Glory
3. Brighton Rock
4. The Quiet American
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
In which of the following novels does Stein feature as a significant character.
1.Under Western Eyes
2. Lord Jim
3. Heart of Darkness
4. Nostroma
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Jabberwocky is a character in ____
1.The Importance of Being Earnest
2. Fra Lippo Lippi
3. Through the looking Glass
4. Goblin Market
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
July s People is a novel by :
1.Margaret Atwood
2.V. S. Naipul
3.Wole Soyinka
4. Nadine Gordimcr
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Little Nell is a character in Dickens s
1.Hard Times
2. Great Expectations
3. Oliver Twist
4. The Old Curiosity Shop
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Margaret Laurence is a novelist from:
2. The L.S.A.
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Only Connect is the epigraph to a novel by:
1.George Orwell
2.Joseph Conrad
3.D.H. Lawrence
4.E.M. Forster
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Peripetia means
1.Purgation of emotion
2. Tragic flaw
3. Reversal of fortune
4.Recognition of error
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Prosody studies :
1.Line endings
2. Meanings of words
3. Patterns of prose
4. Metrics
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Put the following novels by Charles Dickens in a sequential order with the help of the code:
1.Great Expectations
2.Hard Times
3.Bleak House
4.A Tale of Two Cities
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Salman Rushdie s Shame is set in :
1.East Pakistan
2.India and Pakistan
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Sir Andrew Freeport is a character in:
1.Humphry Clinker
2. Joseph Andrews
3. The Coverley Papers
4. Clarissa
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Strophe antistrophe and epode form a three-part structure in:
1.a classic ode
2. a Greek chorus
3. a medieval ballad
4. a Petrarchan sonnet
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The author of A Satire Against Reason and Mankind is:
2. Dryden
3. Gray
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The correct chronological order of the following poets is :
1.Byron Shelley Keats Walter Scott
2.Shelley Waiter Scott Keats-Byron
3.Keats Byron Walter Scott Shelley
4. Walter Scott Byron Shelley Keats
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The Empire writes Back was written by :
1.Bill Ashcroft Helen Tiffin Ngugi Wa Thinngo
2.Bill Ashcroft Helen Tiffin Stephen Stemon
3.Bill Ashcroft Gareth Griffiths Chinua Achebe
4.Bill Ashcroft Helen Tiffin Gareth Griffiths
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The essay The Death of the Author is written by:
1.Michel Foucault
2.Jacques Derrida
3.Roland Barthes
4.Alvin Keman
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The expression Thy Hand. Great Anarch occurs in a satire by :
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The lines:Even 1 a dunce of more renown than they Was sent before but to prepare thy way are quoted from:
1.Popes Dunciad
2. Drydens Absalom and Achitophel
3. Drydens Mac Flecknoe
4. Swifts A Tale of a Tub
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The Little Minister is a novel by
1.John Galsworthy
2.H.G. Wells
3.James M. Barrie
4.Rudvard Kipling
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The main character in Gogols Dead Souls is :
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The major contribution of the Restoration period is in the field o f :
1.Philosophical writings
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The Praise of Chimney-Sweepers is -
1.a poem by William Blake
2. an elegy by William Wordsworth
3. an essay by Charles Lamb
4. an essay by William Hazlitt
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The rhyme scheme of the Spenserian sonnet is
1.(I) Abab bcbc cdcd ee
2.Abab eded efef gg
3.Abba cddc effe gg
4. Abba abba cde cde
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The Rime of Ancient Mariner is about
1.A perilous adventure in the sea
2.The accidental killing of an octopus
3.The curse of a sea God
4.The guilt and expiation of the Ancient Mariner
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The subtitle of William Godwins Caleb Williams is -
1. Man As He Is Not
2.Man As He Is
3. Things As They Are
4.The Pupil of Nature
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The term Practical Criticism is coined by
1.William Empson
2. W K. Wimsatt Jr.
3. -LA. Richards
4. F. R. Leavis
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The theatre of cruelty is associated with
3.Antonin Artand
4.Eugino Barba
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The unexpurgated text of Lady Chatterleys lover was published after Obscenity trial in
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
The word nature in the eighteenth century literature stands for:
1.Nature of writing
2. External nature
3.Human nature
4.The universe
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Thomas Kyds The Spanish Tragedy was influenced by
3. Virgil
4. Plautus
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Tom Paines The Rights of Man was published in
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Understanding Poetry used to be a classic textbook that encapsulates the principles of _______
1.New Historicism
2. New Aristolelianism
3. New Criticism
4. The New Left
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Victor Shklovskys name is associated with
2. New Historicism
3. Reader Response Theory
4. Russian Formalism
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
What century is variously called The Age of Enlightenment the Age of Sensibility The Augustan Age and The Age of Prose and Reason?
1.sixteenth century
2.seventeenth century
3.eighteenth century
4.nineteenth century
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
What is common to the following poems ?Wordsworths The RecluseShelleys The Triumph of LifeByrons Don JuanKeats Hyperion
1.They are all elegies
2.They are all unfinished poems
3.They are all divided into cantos
4.They are women-centred poems
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which Augustan writers epitaph reads: One who strove with all his might to champion liberty?
1.Alexander Pope
2.Jonathan Swift
3.Henry Fielding
4.Daniel Defoe
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following Caribbean novels makes intersexual references to Jane Eyre?
1.No Tele phone to Heaven
2.Crick Crack Monkey
4.Between Two Worlds
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following is a major Jacobean play?
2. Gorboduc
3. Romeo and Juliet
4. The Duchess of Malfi
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following Shakespearean plays are in the correct chronological sequence?
1.The Merchant of Venice Henry IV Part l - Romeo and Juliet - Richard II
2.Richard II - Henry IV Part I Romeo and Juliet - The Merchant of Venice
3. Henry IV Part I - Romeo and Juliet � The Merchant of Venice - Richard II
4.Romeo and Juliet - Richard II Henry IV Part I - The Merchant of Venice
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following statements is the most accurate regarding Edward Saids thesis in Orientalism ?
1.The Europeans used the East dialectically to describe their self image as irrational and primitive.
2.The Oriental people used the West dialectically to define their self-image as irrational and primitive.
3.The Europeans used the East op positionally to define their self-image as rational and modern.
4.The Oriental people used the West oppositionally to define their self-image as rational and modern.
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following thinker - concept pairs is rightly matched?
1.Stanley Fish - Reader Response
2. Jacques Derida - New Histoncisin
3. Northrop Frye - Practical Criticism
4. I.A Richards - Archetypal Criticism
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Which of the following thinker - concept pairs is rightly matched?
1.Vaman- Dhwanyaloica
2. Bharata - Natya Shastra
3. Mamata - Vakrokti
4. Abhinava Gupta - Kavya Alankar
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Who among the following Indian writers in English has created an identifiable imagined locale?
1.Mulk Raj Anand
2. Raja Rao
3. R.K. Narayan
4. Anita Desai
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Who among the following is not a formalist critic?
1.Allen Tate
2. Cleanth Brooks
3. Stanley Fish
4. William Empson
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Who among the following is NOT a University Wit ?
1.Christopher Marlowe
2.George Peele
3.Robert Greene
4.Ben Jonson
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Who among the following Marlovian character is consumed by greed ?
3.Doctor Faustus
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43
Who is given credit for first using the term romantic?
1.Friedrich Schlegel
2. Kant
4. Schiller
Posted Date:-2021-10-20 18:45:43