A primary school teacher can encourage children to become effective problem solvers by
1.offering materialistic rewards for every small tasks.
2.emphasizing only on procedural knowledge.
3.dismissing and penalizing incorrect answers .
4. encouraging children to make intuitive guesses and then brainstorming on the same.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Child-centered pedagogy promotes
1. exclusive reliance on text books.
2.giving primacy to children s experiences.
3.rote memorisation.
4.labelling and categorization or students base on ability.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
In a situation of less participation of students belonging to a deprived group in teaching � learning process a teacher should
1.ask the children to withdraw from school.
2.accept this situation as it is.
3.lower her expectations from such students.
4.reflect on her own teaching and find ways to improve student s involvement.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
In an inclusive classroom a teacher _________ Individualized Education Plans
1.should not prepare
2.should occasionally prepare
3.should actively prepare
4.should discourage the preparation of
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Primary objective of Assessment should be
1.assigning rank to students.
2.understanding children s clarity and confusions about related concepts.
3.labelling students as per their Score.
4.marking pass or fail in the report cards.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
The most critical period of acquisition and development of language is
1.Pre-natal period.
2.Early childhood.
3.Middle childhood.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following are examples or secondary socializing agency?
1.Family and neighborhood
2.Family and media
3.School and media
4.Media and neighborhood
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following is an effective strategy to reduce children s gender stereo typing and gender-role conformity?
1. Discussion about gender bias
2. Emphasizing gender-specific roles
3.Gender-segregated play groups
4.Gender-segregated seating arrangement
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following is NOT a principle of development?
1.Development is Lifelong.
2.Development is modifiable.
3.Development is influenced by both heredity and environment.
4.Development is universal and cultural contents do not influence it.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following statements about intelligence is correct?
1.Intelligence is a fixed ability determined at the time of birth only.
2.Intelligence can be accurately measured and determined by using standardized tests.
3.Intelligence is a unitary factor and a single trait.
4. Intelligence is multi-dimensional and a set of complex abilities.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following theorists while viewing children as active seekers of knowledge emphasized the influence of social and cultural contents on their thinking?
1.John B. Watson
2.Lev Vygotsky
3.ean Piaget
4.Lawrence Kohlberg
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
While working on a Jig-saw puzzle 5 years old Najma says to herself Where is the blue piece? No not this one darker one that would go here and make this shoe . This kind or talk is referred to by Vygotsky as
1.private speech.
2. talk aloud.
4.egocentric speech
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
During classroom discussions a teacher often pays more attention to boys than girls. This is an example of
1.Gender bias.
2.Gender identity.
3.Gender relevance.
4.Gender constancy
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Emotions and cognition are _________ each other.
1.completely separate from
2.independent of
3.inter-woven with
4.not related to
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Giving cues to children and offering support as and when needed is an example of
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
How can teachers facilitate understanding of complex concepts in children?
1.By delivering a lecture
2.By organizing competitive events
3.By repetitive mechanical drill
4.By providing opportunities for exploration and discussion
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
In the constructivist framework learning is primarily
1.based on role-memorization.
2.centered around reinforcement.
3. acquired through conditioning
4. focused on the process or meaning- making.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
In which of the following periods does physical growth and development occur at a rapid pace?
1.Infancy and early childhood
2.Early childhood and middle childhood
3.Middle childhood and adolescence
4. Adolescence and adulthood
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Naive theories that children construct about various phenomenon
1.should be ignored by the teacher.
2.should be punished by the teacher.
3.should be replaced by correct one through repetitive memorization.
4.should be challenged by presenting counter evidence and examples.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Presenting students with clear examples and non-examples
1.is an effective way to encourage conceptual change.
2.leads to confusion in the minds or students.
3.causes gaps in their understanding of concepts.
4.focuses on procedural knowledge rather than conceptual understanding.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Repeatedly asking children to engage in learning activities either to avoid punishment or to gain a reward
1.decreases extrinsic motivation.
2. increases intrinsic motivation.
3.would encourage children to focus on mastery rather than performance goals.
4.decreases children s natural interest and curiosity involved in learning.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Ruhi always thinks of multiple solutions to a problem many of which are original solutions. Ruhi is displaying characteristics of a/an
1.creative thinker.
2.convergent thinker
3.rigid thinker
4.egocentric thinker
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
The concept of Inclusive Education as advocated in the Right to Education Act 2009 Is based on
1.the behaviouristic principles.
2.a sympathetic attitude towards disabled.
3.a rights-based humanistic perspective.
4.mainstreaming of the disabled by offering them primarily vocational education.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
The primary cause of individual variations is
1. the genetic code received by the individuals from birth parents.
2. the inborn characteristics.
3.the environmental influences.
4.the complex interplay between the heredity and the environment
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
The primary characteristic of children with dyslexia Includes
1.attention deficit disorders.
2. divergent thinking: fluency in reading
3.inability to read fluently
4.engaging in repetitive locomotor actions.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following behaviours characterize the concrete operational stage as proposed by Jean Piaget?
1.Hypothetico-deduction reasoning: propositional thought
2.Conservation; class inclusion
3.Deferred imitation; object permanence
4.Make-believe play: irreversibility of thought
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following is a Piagetian construct in the context or cognitive development of children?
2. Observational learning
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which of the following is a stage of moral development proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg?
1.Latency Stage
2.The social contract orientation
3.Concrete operational stage
4.Industry vs. Inferiority stage
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which or the following practices promote meaningful learning? (i) Corporal punishment (ii) Co-operative learning environment (iii) Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (iv) Constant comparative evaluation (1)
1. (i) (ii)
2. (ii) (iii)
3. (i) (ii) (iii)
4. (ii) (iii) (iv)
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53
Which or the following statements about learning Is correct from a constructivist perspective?
1.Learning is the process of reproduction and recall.
2.Learning is the process of rote memorization.
3.Learning is conditioning of behaviours by repetitive association.
4.Learning is the process of construction of knowledge by active engagement.
Posted Date:-2021-09-06 12:35:53