A reader gets the hints based on sound-symbol correspondences to decode and comprehend the text. What is this known as?
1.Metalinguistic cues
2.Syntactic cues
3.Graphic cues
4.Graphophonic cues
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher arranges her learners into pairs and gives them a text of two paragraphs. One learner in the pair reads out the text to the other and the partner takes the dictation. Then the process is reversed. What is this known as?
1.Running dictation
2.Composition dictation
3.Jig-saw dictation
4.Partial dictation
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher asked her learners to watch a movie two days ago and now she asks them to have a discussion on what would they do if they were the hero/heroine of the movie? What is this assessment task known as?
1.Speaking task
2.Thinking task
3.Extrapolative task
4.Critical pedagogy
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher asks her learners of class VIII to read a novel by an Indian author and asks them to write an essay giving their views on the novel. What is this known as a reading activity?
1.Reading for information
3.Intensive reading
4.Extensive reading
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher asks her learners to join sentences to make a short paragraph inserting supplied connectors and coherence markers like (but and however because although etc.) What is this approach to writing known as?
1.Free-writing approach
2.Communicative approach
3.Control composition
4.Controlled-to-free writing approach
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher found some of the aspects of language learning e.g. reading with understanding a text on scientific concepts. She decided to pick students who find it difficult on the particular aspects. She took separate sessions for them to support them read and understand such text. What is she trying to do here?
1.Thinking skills
2.Feedback teaching
3.Remedial teaching
4.Higher Order skills
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher of class VII asks her learners to bring at least two or three objects from home and she asks them to exchange the objects among themselves. She now asks them to describe the objects in their hands in at least ten sentences. What are the objects known as in language teaching-learning materials?
1.Teachers materials
2.Inputs for language learning
4.Home objects
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher of class VIII discussed Determiners in her classroom rough a short text in which determiners occur many times and Learners were made to notice them in use. This was followed by learners using the same in their own language for particular purposes. The teacher then brought to the notice of the learners the uses of determiners in contexts. What strategy did the teacher employ in her classroom?
1.Task based language teaching
2.Communicable language teaching
3.Structured teaching
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher selected a text from a newspaper and dropped every fifth word and asked her learners to supply the missing words. What is a test known as?
1.Complete the comprehensible paragraph
2.Writing test
3.A cloze test
4.Fill in the blanks
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
A teacher wanted her students to learn vocabulary effectively. Which of the following ways should she adopt to teach vocabulary in her classroom?
1.Ask them to find the meanings of the words in the dictionary.
2.Ask them to group the words into meaningful categories and use them in real-life purposes
3. Write all the new words on the blackboard and write their meanings in the language of teaching
4.Ask her learners to underline the difficult words in a lesson and find their meanings in their language
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
An assessment done at the end of six months of one term is
1.Semester assessment
2.Remedial assessment
3.Summative assessment
4.Formative assessment
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
as if in ceaseless activity The word ceaseless means
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
creates a tornado of restlessness The word tornado here means
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Declarative Knowledge in learning grammar refers to
1.knowing the ideas and concepts in learning.
2.knowing to use a dictionary
3.knowing the rules of a grammatical item.
4. knowing how to do a grammatical item.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Denotative meaning of a word
1.figurative meaning
2. grammatical meaning
3.factual meaning or basic meaning
4.much more than word actually means
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Habit formation through repetition is a component of which method ?
1. Task based language teaching
3.Communicative approach
4.Audio lingualism
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Here are some sets of words in some pattern. Find what are these known as in teaching-learning of pronunciation ? bit-bet did-dead hid-head lid-lead miss-mess pin-pen lock-luck
2.Stress and intonation
3. Contrastive pairs
4.Comparable paire
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
In addition to economic growth our society as a consequence also needs
1. attention to pay changes. climatic
2. just and equitable distribution of wealth.
3.development of the countryside.
4.to give importance to variety. Cultural
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
In this season the branches have leaves.
1.either (i) or (ii)
2. neither (i) nor (ii)
3.only (i)
4.Only (ii)
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Indias language-in-education policy is known as
1. Language in education
2.Official language policy
3.National language formula
4.Three language formula
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Jatin Ragav is reading fast looking for specific information in a machinery manual. What is this reading sub skill known as ?
1.Bottom up reading
2.Critical reading
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Mechanics of language in speaki skills includes
1.social and cultural rules of using language
2.script words and sentences
3.pronunciation grammar and vocabulary
4.clarity of message
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Multilingualism as a strategy is
1. teaching of all subjects in English medium and teaching Indian languages as a language.
2.teaching of a foreign language along with Indian languages through the medium of the state language.
3.using the languages of leamers for teaching-learning of languages and content subjects.
4. teaching-learning of at least three languages and content in mother tongue.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Our leaders vision of independence India was based on
1.economic self-reliance
2.diversification of employment
3.boycott of foreign goods
4.development of defence forces
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Pedagogical Grammar means that
1.Begin from form and move on to use.
2.Teaching through immersion
3.All grammar teaching should be rule focussed.
4.Teaching grammar in context
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Read the following statements : A. Our reading decides the filter in our minds. B. The filter in our mind controls our likes but not dislikes.
1.A is correct and B is incorrect.
2.A is incorrect and B is correct.
3.Both A and B are correct.
4.Both A and B are incorrect.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Study the following statements : Along with economic growth we also want to develop a united nation with one aim. A noble and liberal society depends entirely on economic wealth.
1.Both A and B are right
2.Both A and B are wrong.
3.A is right and B is wrong.
4.A is wrong and B is right.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
that on the ashes of his youth doth which figure of speech has been used in the underlined phrase ?
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
The Independence was achieved in India
1.through violent means
2.by making use of every resource available
3.through a long struggle
4.by self-reliant leadership
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
The poets life today is like season.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
The process of thinking continues from
1. morning to night
2.year to year
3. day to day
4. week to week
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
The theme of the poem is
2.songs of the birds
3.the idea of death
4.the change of seasons
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Thoughts affect us when our
1.learning is affected.
2.pride is hurt.
3.job is affected.
4.sleep is disturbed.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Thoughts are compared to
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
We acquire � language understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of acquire competence. What is this pedagogical concept known as ?
1.Input hypothesis
2.Thinking hypothesis
3.Output hypothesis
4.Interaction hypothesis
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What are the three components PPP model of teaching?
1.Pre-teaching � Practice teaching Produce result
2.Pre-conception � Practice by teacher � Post conceptian
3.Present � Practice � Produce
4.Product � Practice � Present
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What did the branches of the trees enjoy earlier ?
1.bright light of the sun
2.darkness after the sunset
3.a ruined group of singers
4.sweet songs of birds
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What does Deaths second self stand for?
1.ashes of ones youth
2.Setting sun
3.sleep that gives rest
4.a dying fire
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What does fluency in a reading mean?
1.Ability to interpret the text.
2.grammatical errors.
3.Ability to read a text at ease with expression.
4.Ability to read a text without any mistake at all
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What does free-writing approach to writing promote?
1.Understanding of the content and fluency
2.Syntax and language use
3.Understanding of form and accuracy
4.Grammatical accuracy
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What is the following activity known as in vocabulary learning? Find words that can befriend the word rain. e.g. heavy rain.
1.Word groups
2.Word web
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
What is the status given to English the Indian Constitution?
1.National Language
2.Link Language
3.Official Language
4.Associate Official Language
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which of the following statements are true of languages in India? a. English is the official language of India. b. Hindi is the national language of India. c. Hindi is the official language of India. d. English is the associate official language of India.
1.a and d are true.
2.b and c are true.
3.a and b are true.
4.c and d are true.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
1.The filter in our minds influences our actions.
2.Our thoughts do not remain stuck at one point.
3.Each one of us has an inbom filter in our mind
4.We like to be respected when we go somewhere
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which one of the following components is a process in the Top-Down approach to teaching-learning of listening?
1.Recognising prominent details
2.Recognising the topic
3.Discriminating between intonation compounds
4.Discriminating between phonemes
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which one of the following is not advocated as an element for assessment in a poem ?
3.Poetic devices
4.Theme of the poem
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which part of speech is the underline word in the following expression ? But we get affected
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Which part of speech is the underlined word in the following expression? It cannot stay in one place.
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14
Words which one recognizes when one hears or sees them are �
1.Explicit vocabulary
2.Implicit vocabulary
3.Productive vocabulary
4.Receptive vocabulary
Posted Date:-2021-09-02 13:53:14