Increase in the length of neck and fore legs in African giraffe was explained by Lamarck due to the fact that ancient giraffes stretched their neck and fore legs generation after generation and the character acquired as a result of use was inherited. Darwin also explained the phenomenon. Can you point out the way in which Darwin described it:
1.There was sudden mutation due to use and disuse and it lead to evolution in neck and fore legs
2.There was effect of temperature on these animals and as a result the change occurred
3.Only those members which had longer necks and fore legs were selected by nature
4. There were variations in population
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Lamarcks theory of organic evolution cannot give best explanation for one of the following:
1.Rudimentary eyes in deep-sea fishes
2.Strong canines and claws of carnivores
3.Fast running adaptations in deers
4. Only those which are fittest can survive and are selected by the nature
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Lamarcks Theory of Organic Evolution is based upon:
1.Effect of environment
2.Use and disuse of body parts
3.Inheritance of acquired characters
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Lamarcks theory of organic evolution was published in the book entitled:
1.Systima Naturee
2.Philosophic Zoologique
3.Origin of species
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
A new species is formed when:
1.An individual with new genotype is formed due to exchange of chromosomal segments during crossing over in gametogenesis
2.Genotypic changes accumulated in a population which result in its reproductive isolation
3.Variants with new phenotypes are produced owing to new genetic combinations occurring during reproduction
4.Homologous chromosomes exchange segments during crossing over in gametogenesis
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
According to the Theory of Continuity of Germplasm which was put forward by August Weismann:
1.The acquired characters of organisms that have passed to somatoplasm are inherited in their offsprings
2.The acquired character of organism which have passed only to germplasm are inherited in their offsprings
3.The acquired characters of organism that have passed only to somatoplasm and not to germplasm are inherited in their offsprings
4.The acquired characters of organism are inherited due to principle of recapitulation
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
According to Weismann theory which of the following facts will be correct:
1.Changes occurring in somaplasm during life time are inherited
2.Germplasm continues generation after generation as impartial matter whereas somaplasm only functions to house the germplasm
3.In the struggle for existence due to over productionenvironmental effects the individuals which are best suitable to get maximum chances for mating
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Adaptation of a species is its:
1.Acquired characters
4.Hereditary characters
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Best suited examples given in favour of Lamarckian Theory are:
1.Elongation of neck and fore limbs of African giraffe
2.Loss of limbs in snakes
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
By illustrating the examples of African giraffe and snakes Lamarck emphasized mainly that:
1.Nature selects the forms which are fittest in the struggle for existence
2.Development and efficiency of body organs are an proportion to their use and disuse
3.Variations (environmental or mutations) are respobsible for process of organic evolution
4.The organisms have enormous fertility leading to over production but their number is always kept constant by the nature
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Cause of struggle for existence among animals is:
1.That excessive reproduction leads to increase in number
2.That there is less availability of food to organisms
3.That there is lack of spaces for living
4.Due to all of these reasons
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Currently Evolution and Natural Selection are regarded as natural phenomena. Principles of Genetics applied to Population Dynamics have removed the drawbacks of Darwins Theory as a result neo Darwinism has emerged out as Modern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution. The theory was designated to explain organic evolution by:
1. Charles Lyell
2.Herbert Spencer
4.De Vries
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Darwin did not have much idea of mutations but he used a word to denote them which was:
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Darwinism can be explained briefly by a chart consisting of observed facts and deductions which was drawn jointly by:
1. Darwin and Charles Lyell
2.Darwin and Malthus
3.Darwin and Morgan
4.Darwin and Wallace
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Darwins finches are found in:
2.New Zealand
3. Iceland
4.Galapago Islands
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
De Vries Theory of Organic Evolution is longer accepted because of one of the lowing criticisms:
1.Oenothera Lamarckiana is highly inconsistent hybrid species and distribution of 14 chromosomes is highly anamolous
2.Mutants often render mutants so much different from other members of species that they fall to compete and perish
3.Being randomthe mutations are hardly useful in adaptabilitythereforethey bring extinction of species rather than evolution
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Discontinuous Variations may be defined as:
1.Acquired characters
3.General characters of a species
4.Non-exxential features
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
For evolutionthe most important requirement is:
1.Developmental anamoly
2.Acquired characters
4. Natural selection
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Frequency of a mutant gene in a population is expected to increase if that gene is:
2. Selected
4. Neither dominant nor recessive
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
From the experiments upon mice by cutting the tails of new-born mice for more than twenty generations and yet no hereditary effectWeismann could conclude:
1.Theory of survival of fittest
2. Theory of continuity of germplasm
3. Inheritance of acquired characters
4.Isolation plays significant role in evolution
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
From the observed fact namely Enormous fertility yet number is constant. Darwin and Wallace could make out some conclusion which is:
1.Struggle for existence
2.Survival of the fittest
3.Structural modifications leading to new species
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Greatest blow to Lararckism came from the work of:
1.Charles Darwin
2.August Weismann
3.Hugo De Vries
4. Alfred Russell Wallace
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Greatest drawback of Darwins Theory was that it could not offer suitable explanation for:
1.Survival of fittest
2.Struggle for increase
3.Enormous fertility leading to over production
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Hugo De Vries pioneered the theory of mutations to explain the mechanism of organic evolution. The material on which he performed experiments was:
1.Drosophila melanogaster
2.Pisum sativum
3.Oenothera Lamarckiana
4.Escherichia coli
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Hugo De Vries while working on plants Oenothera Lamarchiana developed his famous theory of:
1.Gene mutation
3. Sexual selection
4.Sontaneous creation
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
If a population of organisms is introduced into a new territory where environmental conditions are favourable to itthe population grows rapidly because of:
1.Increase rated of reproduction
2. Absence of predators
3.Unlimited food supply available
4.More survival of offsprings
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
In formulating his theory of organic evolution by Natural SelectionDarwin was greatly influenced by the writings of:
3.De Vries
4. Lamarck
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
In which of the following booksDarwin published his theory:
1.Principles of population
2. On the origin of species by Natural Selection
3.Genetic and origin of species
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Initial material to Medern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution was provided by Dobzhanskys book entitled:
1. Natural Selection and Origin of Species
2.Origin of Species
3.Genetics and Origin of Species
4.Philosophie Zoologique
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Jean Baptist de Lamarck - a French Naturalistbesides giving his famous theory of organic Evolutionalso coined the word:
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Key point of Lararcks Theory was:
1.Survival of fittest
2.Continuity of germplasm
3. Inheritance of acquired characters
4.Descent with modifications
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Lamarck was a French Naturalist who proposed:
1.Cell Theory
2.Germplasm Theory
3.Abiogenesis Theory
4.Theory of inheritance of acquired characters
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Lamarckism envisages that the:
1.Organisms tend to grow in the size
2.Organisms inherit the characters acquired by their parents
3.Environment influences the organisms
4.Enormous fertility in the organisms leads to over production
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Mutations are due to:
1.Infection by micro-organisms
2.Abrupt changes in genes
3.Nutritional factors
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Mutations are generally:
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Mutations are mainly respobsible for:
1.Variations in the organism
2.Constancy in the organism
3.Genetic continuity between parents and offsprings
4.Increase in the population rate
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Mutations are:
1. Heritable changes
2.Inheritable changes
3.Changes that may or may not be inherited
4.Changes acquired by organisations in the time
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Neck and fore limbs in African giraffe increased in length as a result of:
1.Variation in these organs
2.Mutations in these organs
3.Use and disuse
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Neolamarckism states that:
1.There is enormous fertility in organisms but their number always remains constant
2.Like begets Like
3.All the beritable characters are carried by genes which become incorporated in the genotype and are heritable
4.The life cycle of an individual repeats the characters which were present in its ancestors
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
New species evolve by sudden and distinct heritable changes called mutations and not by Natural Selection. The idea was put forward by:
1.Herbert Spencer
3.De Vries
4.Alfred Russell Wallace
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Oenothera Lamarckiana the plant which was used by De Vries is commonly called:
3.Evening primrose
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
One major criticism against Darwins Theory on evolution is:
1.That it does not explain presence of vestigial organs found in many mammals
2.That is overestimates the reproductive capacity of organisms
3.That it does not take into account the variations with heredity in the organisms
4.That it pre-supposes that environment upon earth has been changing through ages
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
One of the criticism to Darwinism was that it could not give satisfactory explanation for one of the following points:
1.That there is constant struggle for existence among individuals for foodshelter and other benefits
2.That there is enormous fertility among organisms leading to their over production
3.That there is selection of fittest individuals by the nature
4.Excessive overgrowth of useful structures bringing extinctions rather than evolution
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
One of the evolutionary concept in Biology was projected by Darwin in his book Origin of Species. It has been discussed as:
1.Germplasm Theory
2.Theory of use and disuse of body parts
3.Theory of Natural Selection leading to Survival of Fittest
4. Theory of gene mutations
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
One of the objectives of experiments in plant breeding is to produce new varieties which have special properties (like high yieldresistance to certain diseases etc.). The method envolves production of mutants in laboratory and then subject them to particular type of solution needed. Which of the following treatments would be more effective:
1.Irradiation of seeds with visible light
2.Heating the seeds upto 30�C
3.Treating the seeds with strong chemicals
4.Irradiating the seeds with X-rays
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Ship on which Darwin travelled was:
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Sudden heritable changes are called:
4.Independent assortment
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The animals of colder countries have small earsshort tail and limbs to avoid more loss of heat is the theme of:
1.Allens law
2.Dollos law
3.Gauses law
4.Copes Law
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The book Origin of Species was published in the year:
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The book Philosophie Zoologique written by Jean Baptist de Lamarck was published in the year:
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The evolution of a species can be considered as the sum total of adoptive changes of species preserved by:
1.Mass conservation
2. Laws of motion
4.Natural selection
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The idea of Survival of fittest was first presented by:
1. Lyell
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The idea Survival of Fittest propounded by Darwin as given by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). Is this statement:
2. Wrong
3.Partially wrong
4.No idea
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The processes associated with evolution of a species collectively mean:
1.Natural Selection
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The scientist who gave a severe blow to Lamarckian theory by giving Theory of continuity of germplasm was:
1.Hugo De Vries
2.Charles Lyell
3.August Weismann
4.Alfred Russell Wallace
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The statement entitledI eatyou eathe eatsI am eatenyou are eaten and he is eaten is indicative of:
1.Intra-specific struggle for existence in life
2.Extra-specific struggle for existence in life
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The Theory of Natural Selection proposed by Charles Darwin for explaining Organic Evolution was based on:
1.Modifications in body parts through use and disuse
2.Enormous fertilitystruggle for existence and survival of fittest
3.Inheritance of acquired characters
4. Appearance of sudden large variationsinheritance and survival of those having these variations
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The theory of organic evolution by process of natural selection was proposed by:
2. Darwin and Wallace
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
The ultimate source of organic variations is:
1. Sexual reproduction
2.Hormonal action
3.Natural Selection
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
To be a successful event for evolution the mutation or change must occur in:
2.Plasma proteins
3.Germplasm DNA
4. Somatoplasm DNA
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Weismann stated that a multicellular body is divisible into somaplasm and germplasm which separate at early embryonic life. Therefore only link between these will be:
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
What could be deduced from Darwin and Wallaces observed fact entitledSurvival of the fittest and continuous changes in environment:
1.Structural modifications leading to a new species
2.Struggle for existencevariation and heredity
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
When a populations large portion is destroyed by some calamitythe new populet from survivers shall have gene pool showing:
1.Genetic drift
2.Genetic maladjustment
3.Both (a) & (b)
4. None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which is the observed fact in the chart drawn by Darwin and Wallace:
1.Enormous fertility in the organisms yet the number is constant
2.Struggle for existencevariation and heredity
3.Survival of fittest and continuous changes in environment
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following concepts is attributed to Charles Darwin:
1.All the characters acquired by the organisms in their life time are inherited
2.The cell come from pre-existing cells
3.In the struggle for existencethe fittest individuals survive
4.Use and disuse of organs is important in evolution
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following concepts is attributed to Lamarck:
1. Struggle for existence
2.Survival of the fittest
3.Inheritance of acquired characters
4.Cells come from pre-existing cells
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following facts Darwin and Wallace deduced from the observed fact Struggle for existencevariations and their transmission:
1.Structural modifications forming new species
2. Struggle for existence
3.Survival of fittest or natural selection
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following facts definitely casts doubt on Lamarckian theory:
1. Snakes lost their limbs due to burrowing mode of life
2.Neck and fore limbs of African giraffe use for generations
3.Vestigial organs were functional ones but now undergone degeneration due to loss of their function
4.Blacksmiths son does not have powerful arm muscles as his father
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following facts does not hold truth with reference to De Vries Theory of organic evolution:
1. New species evolve by sudden and distinct heritable changes called by mutations and not by natural selection
2.First individual showing is called mutant. It is pure breeding as well as transmits mutations to its progeny and thus starts a new species
3.All organisms have tendency to mutate but the rate of mutation varies from time to time depending upon environmental and physiological conditions
4.The development and deficiency of organs are in proportion to use and disuse of these organs
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following facts is not correct about Lamarckism in the light of current scientific knowledge:
1.All the characters acquired by the individuals during life time and inherited
2. Organs used more by the organism grow more in size
3.Both (a) & (b)
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following facts make Lamarckism doubtful:
1.Neck of giraffe elongated for grazing from high trees
2.Trees of high altitudes have sloppy branches to avoid deposition of snow
3.Deer is fast runner for protection from predators
4.Indian ladies have been getting their ears pierced since ages but pierced ears are not inherited
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following features are raw materials in evolution according to Darwins Theory:
1.Intra-specific character
2.Acquired variations
3.Acquired capabilities
4.Inherited variation
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following is associated with name of Darwin:
1.Philosophic Zoologique
2.Special Creation
4.Galapagos islands
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following points have been put forward by the scientists for criticism of Darwins theory:
1.That it lacks satisfactory explanation for causesorigin and inheritance of variations in the organisms
2.That it offers no explanation for mutations which often bring useful or harmful variations
3.That the concept covers evolutionary development of solitary structures only but not of sets of coordinated structures
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following Scientists contributed a lot to Modern Synthetic Theory of Organic Evolution.
1.Muller (1949)
2.Fischer (1958)
3.Wright (1968)
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following statements will be wrong in contest of modern concept of evolution:
1.Isolation prevents interbreeding between members of same species
2.Appreciably small Gene Pool will lead to significant variations
3. Variations in the organisms are caused by sexual reproduction
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following theories of evolution can best explain the vestigial organs:
3.Natural selection
4.Special creation
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which of the following was most influential in formulation of Theory of Natural Selection:
1. Inheritance of acquired characters
2.Malthuss essay on population
3.Struggle for existence
4.Mendels laws of inheritance
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33
Which one of the following gactors is respobsible for the evolution of organisms according to Neo-Darwinism:
2. Natural selection
3. Mutations and natural selection
4.Either mutations or natural selection
Posted Date:-2021-08-31 10:15:33